Sex Doll News

Irontech’s New Robot Features Are Now Available!

Irontech's New Robot Features Are Now Available
On September 20, 2022, Irontech released their new robot functions: auto blowjob, electric hip and waist, vagina automatic clamp & suck, a high-end automated upgrade to their TPE sex dolls. These several new robotic features will make Iorntech sex dolls significantly more realistic and practical.
Irontech's New Robot Features

Now let’s take a closer look at Irontech’s new robot features!

Irontech’s new robot features break the static state of the original doll and make the doll more vivid. Even better, she can bring you more different sexual experiences.

1. Auto Blowjob

The blowjob function can be controlled by remote control. We can adjust the speed by twisting the control knob.

2. Electric Hip and Waist

‘Electric Hip and Waist’ can be controlled by remote control. The speed can be adjusted by twisting the control knob.

The electric butt feature replicates human movement during sex, and Irontech Doll has made significant upgrades to it. The latest version offers a smoother and more natural rotation of the waist and hips.

Precautions for Using:

  • Prior to cleaning the sex doll, cover or wrap the plug hole to prevent water from entering.
  • After use, remember to disconnect the power source promptly.
  • To avoid the doll from rolling over during intense movements, stabilize it when utilizing the electric buttocks function.
  • After each use, make sure to clean the doll thoroughly, especially the areas in contact with the body.

In December 2023, the Irontech factory upgraded the control systems for two functions. Now, you can easily operate both functions using a single machine. Watch the video below to see how it’s done.

3. Auto Vagina Clamping and Sucking

Internal Version

External Version

The switch button allows you to easily toggle the auto-sucking function and switch between voice languages with a long or short press, respectively.

The M button enables you to seamlessly switch between three-speed modes, offering varying levels of intensity for a personalized experience.


  • When not in use, remove the external device and insert the plug to prevent water from entering the plug hole during cleaning.
  • Avoid using the control device while it is being charged.

With its 2-in-1 combination of varied sensations, adjustability, and realistic experience, Irontech’s Electric butt and Auto-sucking vagina functions can be enjoyed separately or together, making them valuable additions to your adult doll collection. The user-friendly control ensures seamless operation and effortless adjustment of speed levels.

Isn’t it impressive how Irontech Doll provides such incredible features?

Thoughts on Irontech’s new robot features? Feel free to comment below!

3. Precautions for Irontech TPE Sex Doll With Customized Function

4. Precautions for Irontech Silicone Sex Doll With Customized Function

Looking for a lifelike Irontech sex doll?

We have the largest selection of 2000+ real love dolls here, including all brands and all body types.

72 thoughts on “Irontech’s New Robot Features Are Now Available!

  1. Bruce says:

    Great idea however I’m discouraged from purchasing this feature due to the location of the plug in cord at the ankle area. I think this takes away from the doll and outfits she could wear (stockings, pantyhose). Maybe the back of the neck would’ve been a better hidden location.

    1. rosemarydoll says:

      Thank you for your advice. According to Irontech Factory, the position of the plug is customizable, which means you can place the plug behind the doll’s neck. However, the factory’s default plug location is at the ankle, because this is more convenient for customers to use. 😊😊

      1. Bruce says:

        Can the Electric Hip and Waist movement and the Auto Vagina Clamping and Sucking be installed together in one doll?
        The plug for the Electric Hip and Waist is located on the inner left ankle, however the plug for the Auto Vagina Clamping and Sucking is located on the right torso/hip from what the videos shows. Does the doll have both plug in sites for the two options? Is there only one plug in site for both options and if so can that be located behind the doll’s neck referring to your reply.
        Thank you.

        1. rosemarydoll says:

          Dear Bruce,

          Yes, the Electric Hip and Waist movement and the Auto Vagina Clamping and Sucking be installed together in one doll. Different robot functions cannot share a plug, but you can decide where the plug is, such as the back of the neck. Automatic vaginal sucking is battery-operated and rechargeable. According to the latest feedback from the Irontech factory, these bodies (150, 153, 154, 155, 160, and 166 cm) only have the option of “Auto clip and suck” and cannot be equipped with automatic body movements and electric hip waist.

          1. Shawn says:

            How long can the clamping, sucking vagina operate on one charge?

          2. rosemarydoll says:

            About 40 mins.

        2. Manuelito says:

          Quisiera una con todas las características de movimiento posibles pero la mejor para mi sería la que tenga movimiento arriba y abajo delante y atras sentada encima mio con diferentes tipos de velocidad de movimiento

      2. Shane says:

        I think the advancement is really intriguing and you have left yourself with improvement. However I think this could all be done on the same circuit with a rechargeable battery with micro push buttons at the neck or ankles. or possibly a remote from a cell phone that utilize all functions similar to an a.I. function. I just don’t like wires and I think I will hold off on these functions until that advancement is addressed. I know that vibrators can now run from smartphone or even websites there shouldn’t be a reason why this couldn’t happen with an app. And be cheaper with fewer electrical parts. I think the biggest issue is cleaning it can’t really get water on it now can we?

        1. rosemarydoll says:

          Dear friend, thanks for your comment and we will share your ideas with doll factory.

        2. rosemarydoll says:

          Dear friend, thanks for your comment and we will share your ideas with the doll factory.

        3. Indre says:

          Listen here, you can give the doll a dry rub shower with some dust! Just like chinchillas do 🙂

    2. Indre says:

      Bruce Lee I’m sorry about your disappointment:) lol good advice though!

    3. Luke says:

      Can you have the auto blow job with the clamping sucking Vagina and the electric waist.
      Basically what I want to know is. Can I have all of the electrical parts on one doll? Or what’s my limitations?

      1. rosemarydollshop says:

        If you want a doll with electric waist and blow job, only 158cm, 160cm.163cm, 164cm & 168cm can have these functions at the same time(just for silicone doll)

  2. Michael Huynh says:

    I like new rosemaryDoll electric move body. Thank you very much for everything you do.

    1. rosemarydoll says:

      Dear friend, thanks for your sharing and support.❤️

  3. Thomas says:

    Simply great and highly erotic!!!!!

  4. Hayden says:

    I want to have a room full of these fine ladies for my next birthday, these bitches don’t talk back and are always down to fuck!

  5. Steve says:

    How long does the auto clamp and suck take to charge? Can it be charged with a standard phone charger?
    Are all Irontech’s auto clamp and suck chargeable, or is there also a line in non-battery kind?

    1. rosemarydoll says:

      Dear friend, it can be used for 30-40 minutes and then charged for 20-30 minutes at a time. It can only be charged with a Type-C port. All Irontech’s auto clamp and suck are chargeable.

      1. mufnman2003 says:

        Can you take the rechargeable batteries out to replace them if the die out?

        1. rosemarydoll says:

          So sorry we cannot help you replace them. However, if you can use robot functions correctly, the batteries will last for years.

  6. kordamye says:

    You guys have the best function, the automatic body movement is amazing!

    Also, head #72 would look amazing with a cute brunette pixie cut, but all of your wigs are too long to even remotely satisfy that…. then again I can just buy a wig separate, right?

    However, I must say that Sino dolls makes far more aesthetically appealing body type options, I like athletic women and nothing so far has been able to beat the aesthetic of the Sino Doll model linked here:

    The small perky breasts (Itty bitty titty committee for life!), the moderately toned Abs, and the waist to hip ratio is beyond compare………. too bad she’s not five foot and one inches though, that’s my ideal height for a woman, shortstacks are fun ^_^

    But Sino doll doesn’t offer anything outside of that……… all of the heads compatible with this body look like Japanese girls….. but I have have a thing for German girls XD

    If you can produce a Silicone Doll with a comparable body, head #72, a Brunette Pixie cut, clamping/sucking/vibrating vagina, and automatic body movement, I’m all on board for sure!

    Anyhow, if you try using Polypropylene to make a truly realistic skeletal structure, you might be able to make the dolls simultaneously lighter, more durable, and depending on the quality of metal you are currently using, maybe even less expensive to produce. I highly recommend trying this, a doll with an actual ribcage sounds great!

    Also you could layer it all with cheaper materials beneath the silicone mimicking muscle fibers and organs, just need to find the right materials for that accomplishment! Though if this can make the cost of materials go down, please make sure to actually include this option as a free upgrade option!

    Artificial intelligence system like AI Tech Robot Doll has installed into the head is a good idea, especially for therapeutic effect, however if you keep it just to the head portion of the doll, you could even sell doll heads with compatibility to other doll makes. I’d recommend though making this a product where your profitability strategy is selling quantity rather than making it expensive, once those heads have flooded the market enough to gain notoriety, then you increase the price gradually to be more in line with a premium product.

    What would it take to get on the Irontech team?

    1. rosemarydoll says:

      Dear friend, yes, you can buy a wig separately. We have reported your suggestion to the Irontech factory.

  7. haskins says:

    I want a bbw tall curvy girl that has robotic features as body movement , electric hip. and the feature that sucks dick from there mouth. its not worth it if i cant have all three and the one they have in option are so skinny and not realistic looking.

    1. rosemarydoll says:

      Thanks for your suggestions and we have reported your ideas to irontech factory.

  8. FuckNut says:

    how about a self cleansing pussy?

    1. FuckNut says:

      and self-lubricating

  9. Fuck Nut says:

    Self-cleansing and self-lubricating/squirting pussy would be insane. When can we expect that?

    1. rosemarydoll says:

      Dear friend, thanks for your suggestions and we will report these to irontech factory.

  10. Hfck says:

    Great features. It would be great if you included handjob feature as well. If its too complex to do whole arm motion maybe it she could massage the tip with the thumb, and move other fingers just barelly, or just grip it with the rest. If she could be done to do full arm motion maybe include both; like that thumb thing would be good forplay tease for the real thing.

    1. mufnman2003 says:

      They are probably concerned about the hand ripping a dick off. Haa. I like your thoughts but it could dangerous.

  11. Hfck says:

    That self-lubricating sounds very interesting, and it would be cool if she had inner heating system for the vagina. But what would be even cooler is that there is no direct switch for them, but rather that there are sensors on the vagina and they graduately activate both lube and warmth if you are licking/rubbing it.

  12. Hfck says:

    And maybe voice, but not whole complex AI thing conversations, but just to respont to you initiating sex. And when it comes to dolls, the more randomized it can be the better, like, she can be in the mood, not in the mood or something inbetween. The difference would be just, if she is lubed and warm in a minute of licking and says smt like “ok, put it in”(as much different recordings the better), or if she is responding for good 10 minutes smt like “cant you just jerk it tonight”, “come on, go jerk it and come back to cuddle”, till if you persist says “it actally starts to feel good, dont stop”, till eventually she says she wants you inside in some way.

    And varieties are what would give her dept. She could have different response sets over similar things.

    For example instead of being sweet, she can be femdomish, (it gives meaning to doll seeming barely interested, as dolls might seem); “Alright, you may put it in. But dont take too long.” Or “I am not in a mood get lost.”, “Dont you have some chores to do?”(a doll doesnt do any housework, you do it while she is just sitting and being sexy on the couch), “(giggle) No you may not touch yourself, I dont care that you are horny.” (Or just, “Go jerk it if you are horny, arent you grateful I let you touch yourself?” Into some sort of fd yes, “You are really the horniest bastard I’ve ever dated. Alrigt, but be quick, and dont cum inside, cum on my belly, or even better on my feet” or “Fine, but dont bother me for few days, ok?”

    Or otherwise she can be fully devoted, submissive, emphasize being fully yours. She lets you do anything you want, wear anything you want, give “being a doll” meaning. “You are driving me crazy, please put it in.” and “If I am not jet wet it doesnt mean you cant have me, I would just like it if you lick it a bit, so I can give you proper pleasure.”, “I am sorry, I didnt know you would be in the mood today, I already rubbed myself out.”, “I didnt even ask permission, I am such a bad sub” to “wou your touch is really magical. I am all wet… you know, if you still want me.”

  13. Hfck says:

    Or ofc, rather then “not in a mood” meaning more lick, she may suggest hj or bj, randomizing is what gives soul.

  14. Doug says:

    Robotic blowjob mode? Damn, what a wonderful time to be alive 😀

    If I’m reading this right, you cannot get the hip shaker and blowjob options together, right? I’m hoping I read that wrong because I’d love to have both.

    1. samgu19940718 says:

      Yes, you can’t have both of these features at the same time

  15. Rick says:

    How close is Irontech about to add these features to silicone dolls? I’m planning on buying one soon and I’d like have that hip feature.

    1. samgu19940718 says:

      Your wish will come true soon

  16. cyberfitness2019 says:

    I’m thinking of buying my 1st doll and your company is the most trustworthy from what I have seen and have been thinking of buying from you but before that I had a question about add on’s and doll sizes. Will the Electric Hip and Waist movement and the Auto Vagina Clamping and Sucking work on a Doll that’s 166 cm?

    1. rosemarydollshop says:

      The 166cm doll does not have the functions of vaginal suction and waist-hip movement. You can choose other heights, which can produce oral sex and waist-twisting robotic body (both oral sex and waist-twisting hips can be selected at the same time, or you can choose one of the two): TPE: 158.159.163P.
      Silicone: 158 Pregnancy.160.164.168

      TPE only has the function of twisting the waist and twisting the hips. Applicable body: 140 (except 145) and above can be done
      Silica gel only twists the waist and hips. Applicable to the body: 158 and above can be done, 158 pregnant women. 160.164.168

  17. Zeeshan says:

    there was an option on only hip movement why is that gone now?

    1. rosemarydollshop says:

      Irontech’s hip and waist movement cannot be separated, and there was no “only hip movement” option before

        1. rosemarydollshop says:

          This is the old version of the function of electric waist and hips, and it is not a separate hip movement function

          1. Zeeshan Malik Hayat says:

            is it possible to order the old hip and waist function? like in the link i set?

          2. Zeeshan says:

            is it possible to order the old hip and waist function? like in the link i set?

          3. Zeeshan says:

            can i order the old version of hip and waist function?

  18. Angel says:

    Do the silicone dolls have the ability to add on the vaginal sucking and clamping yet? That’s probably the only thing keeping me from buying one of these dolls right now.

    1. rosemarydollshop says:

      Now silicone dolls can also have these functions, you can choose it. Silicone only does electric waist and hip function applicable body: 158 or more can do, 158 pregnant women.,Irontech Doll technology updates are relatively fast, you can see the content of the doll options

  19. Fragestellender says:

    Die Pumpe der automatische Vagina-Klemmen und Saugen Funktion ist doch jetzt extern und damit befindet sich im Körper nur noch ein Schlauch. Wir das irgendwie verhindert das von der Vagina Flüssigkeit in diesen Schlauch läuft?
    Kann dieser Schlauch als Harnröhre genutzt werden, also bewusst “Wasser” von Außen darüber in die Vagina geleitet werden?

    1. rosemarydoll says:

      Nein, Wasser oder Flüssigkeiten können nicht durch den Schlauch eindringen. Bitte machen Sie sich darüber keine Sorgen.

  20. Duke Nukem says:

    Can I stick my tongue in the vagina while the hips move so I can make it seem as if she’s riding my face

    1. rosemarydoll says:

      Yes, you can, it will be very interesting!

  21. james hanselman says:

    I think in my perspective that Irontech dolls are anatomically and symmetrically superior and the silicone version heads are one of the best. I think that if the audio feature could be improved with choice of voices, it would be a “wow” factor. Hedy is my favorite and as soon as I can afford, I will make the purchase.

  22. E.Neumayr says:


    Auch ich bin gespannt wo hin die Entwicklung geht.
    Man… stelle sich vor, der bewegliche Körper, Kopf mit beweglichen Gesicht ( Lippen die sich authentisch beim sprechen bewegen, Augen die einem zu zwinkern) was es bereits gibt. Das ganze mit eine App und natürlich mit Sprachsteuerung. Wenn man dann weiter denkt, könne man sie über wlan oder 5G mit dem Internet verbinden. Dieses Steuerelement an der Körperseite samt Lautsprecher, sorry aber das ist ein No Go, auf laden am Knöchel das ist leichter für den Kunden, schon mal über Induktionsladung nachgedacht? Kleine Platte mit Magnet fertig, das sieht man nicht egal wo die Lade Position ist.
    So wäre sie i n der Lage Updates für Bewegung, Sprache und damit verbunden Gesprächsstoff.
    Verbesserung die in jedenfall auch seine müssen, der Anus so wie die Vagina sollten optisch und farblich deutlich verbessert werden. Sie doch sehr künstlich aus genauso wie der Kopf und die Haut, das gibt es doch schon viel detaillierter und realistischer. Ich liebe zum Beispiel Füße, darauf, ich denke da spreche da viele an. Kunststoff ist formbar, die Standfunktion sollte man nicht sehen., warme Füße und Hände dann ist der Traum dan Wirklichkeit. Es ist alles da, die Technik, Software, Sensoren und das perfekte Design je nach Geschmack. Nun braucht es nur noch den Verstand der alles zusammen fügt. Dann kann die Puppe der Zukunft, spazieren, schwimmen oder sich mit einem Thema deiner Wahl unterhalten.
    Ich denke dafür würde eine jeder auch tiefer in die Tasche greifen.

  23. Demire says:

    I see these options available for Silicone dolls, but then I’m hearing that they are not available for Silicone.

    1. rosemarydoll says:

      Thank you for contacting us! Yes, not all silicone dolls can have robot options, ‘auto Blowjob’ and ‘Electric Hip and Waist’ can only be added to 158cm, 160cm, 163cm, 164cm & 168cm bodies at the same time. All robot features is unavailable for silicone 161cm doll.

  24. Jo says:

    Hey, for the ‘new Real Lady’ line 170cm body are the following all available on same doll
    and if all can be added to the same doll simultaneously.
    1. Electric Hip and Waist
    2. Auto Blowjob
    3. Auto Vagina Clamping and Sucking
    Please indicate which are available at the same time for this body type. Thank you.

    1. rosemarydoll says:

      Thank you for contacting us! Yes, you can add all of them simultaneously.

  25. Paul Codyer says:

    These features seem amazing. I wish Irontech would make lighter silicone dolls with these options. All of their dolls seem to be larger than other brands (below the waist), and correspondingly heavier. A 35KG ish doll with E-G cup size and these robot features is my dream.

  26. Dragon says:

    Hi , I want to order s26 but I need it to be a little shorter , can we change the length of our favorite doll?

    1. rosemarydoll says:

      Thank you for contacting us! So sorry that we can’t change any shape/size of the dolls because they are made from standard molds.

  27. Michael suntaxi says:

    Me interesa mucho la muñeca soy de Ecuador cuidad de Guayaquil cuanto tiempo se demora la muñeca doll y yo quiero la electrónica con mamadora y movimientos del cuerpo

    1. rosemarydoll says:

      ¡Gracias por contactarnos! Le recomendamos que se comunique con la aduana local y les pregunte cómo pasar la aduana primero.

  28. Smoke says:

    Hello, do the Silicone dolls have the improved functions yet or are they still using the v1.0 type? Basically, I want to know if the tech is still better in the TPE dolls compared to Silicon.

    1. rosemarydoll says:

      Thank you for reaching out to us! We’re excited to inform you that we now offer softer versions of silicone dolls, featuring top brands like Irontech, Zelex, and Sino dolls, all of which come with an ultra-soft silicone option. For those seeking an even softer experience, we highly recommend our TPE dolls, particularly the WM dolls, which now boast an ultra-soft TPE option. To dive deeper into the differences between TPE and silicone dolls and to discover which option might be best suited to your preferences, please explore further details here: Learn more here:

  29. I am looking for a doll that i can positin her on top and she will have enough motion to go up and down at least 6 inches and have the heated and clamping and sucking features vibrateing would aslo be a welcome feature but others first prefer silicon beacuse its suposed to be thougher but make the other material as tough would like the softer more real like skin the blowjob feature is nice but not as important as pussy features would buy now if you could match the way i want it at reasonable costs

    1. rosemarydoll says:

      Thank you for contacting us! According to your requirements, we recommend Irontech silicone dolls:

      SY silicone dolls:
      They have the vagina depth and heating, clamping, and sucking features you want.

  30. Chris says:

    Make them so they can do household chores like cooking and cleaning and you’ve got a deal.

  31. TK says:

    Electric Hip and Waist Movement, every video I have seen is the side to side, does this feature exist like in this video where she rocks back and forth?

    1. rosemarydoll says:

      No, the hips are capable of rotating, please check here:

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